Mommy Makeover, or plastic surgery after pregnancy.

Mommy Makeover is a combination of plastic surgery and aesthetic gynecology treatments that help a woman return to her pre–pregnancy appearance. The surgeries that are most often performed at one time are abdominoplasty or breast augmentation and aesthetic gynecology procedures.

Combining procedures allows for avoiding repeated anesthesia, and operating several surgical areas does not extend the duration of the operation and does not affect its risk. It is worth remembering to give yourself time after pregnancy – our body needs about a year to return to shape, and only after this time, we can think about surgical intervention.

Post–pregnancy patients are most often not satisfied with the appearance of their bellies. They apply for consultations because, despite the exercises, the belly does not shrink and is still convex. This is caused by excess skin and the so–called diastasis of the rectus muscles, i.e. their separation to the sides. This is due to damage to an anatomical structure called the linea alba during pregnancy. In this situation, unfortunately, diet and training alone are not enough and in order for the belly to be flat again, its fascia should be strengthened in the place where the weakness and stretch mark occurred. In this case, the only option is to perform a tummy tuck, during which excess skin is also removed.

After the abdominoplasty, the patient stays in the clinic for one to two days. For the first week, you should move in a slightly inclined position, and for two weeks you should wear a special compression belt, after this time it is usually possible to return to normal physical activity. At the Dr. Szczyt clinic, both before and after surgery, patients meet with a physiotherapist who shows them the proper technique of getting up and the range of physical activity. The effects of the operation are permanent and impossible to achieve with non–invasive methods. The final appearance, as after any surgical intervention, is visible after a year.

In the case of breasts – here the most common problem is the so–called lactation loss. After pregnancy and breastfeeding, they become “empty” and often, if they were quite large at the beginning, drooped. We can use preparations that increase skin density, breast massage, and alternating cold and warm showers. Unfortunately, the gland will not return to its place on its own and if we want to have full round breasts, it will not do without the intervention of a plastic surgeon. Patients who are not satisfied with the size of their breasts can choose to lift them with implants during the same procedure. Sometimes, when the breasts are small and empty, but do not have the features of sagging, the enlargement alone is enough. Conversely, if the breasts are too big for us, they should be reduced – cut out the excess skin and tissue and raise the breast to the right height.

After breast surgery in the field of breast plastic surgery, physical activity and the wearing of a special post–operative bra are prohibited for two months. Physical activity prohibited ale wearing special bra recommended It is necessary to take proper care of scars – massage and use silicone preparations to make them as aesthetic as possible. Laser treatments can also be used to speed up scar healing.

In turn, an alternative to getting rid of stubborn, locally accumulated fat is liposuction, which consists of suctioning excess fatty tissue. The sucked fat is great for filling, for example, breasts or face (so–called lipo transfer). Very small (2–3 mm) scars remain after the liposuction procedure.


Endoscopic eyebrow lift

The passage of time, the force of gravity, and the gradual loss of collagen can cause significant changes in the upper part of the face. A lowered eyebrow line or wrinkles and furrows on the forehead make our face look tired or worried, adding years to it. Endoscopic eyebrow lifting will be perfect here, what is the procedure?

An eyebrow lift is one of the most common facial plastic surgery procedures. It can be performed with many techniques, but the most preferred is the endoscopic method, which is one of the least invasive and not very burdensome in the recovery process for the patient.

What is an endoscopic eyebrow lift?

Endoscopic eyebrow lifting is a procedure consisting of lifting the eyebrow line and improving the appearance of the forehead and glabella (area between the eyebrow arches). During it, partial excess skin of the eyelids is also reduced so that it can be considered together with upper eyelid surgery. During the procedure, an endoscope is used to make very short, barely visible incisions that make the scar in the hairline almost invisible.

What are the indications and contraindications for the procedure?

This procedure is performed on women and men who are not satisfied with the appearance of their foreheads and eyebrows. One of the most common indications for an eyebrow lift is a tired or dissatisfied facial expression. This is related to the wrinkles on the forehead, asymmetry, and drooping eyebrows, which are corrected during the procedure. The condition for qualifying for the procedure is the patient’s good health. However, unregulated hypertension, blood clotting disorders, and pregnancy may be a contraindication to its implementation. In addition, this method is not recommended in the case of too high forehead and high asymmetry of eyebrow height – in such cases, the traditional technique is preferred.

What does the procedure look like?

The treatment consists of several stages. The first one is proper preparation, including making any drawings needed during the procedure. Then the patient is given general anesthesia. In the next step, the doctor – to constrict the vessels and reduce bleeding – injects the places where the cuts will be made. Their number and individual stages depend on the pre–operative condition of the patient and the desired effects. During the procedure, 3  -4 incisions (around 1– 2 cm each) are usually made, one in the temporal region on both sides to the deep temporal fascia and 2 one in the midline of the head midpupillary lines, which is are made subperiosteally. All incisions are in the hairline, making the scar almost invisible.

After the preparation, with exceptional care for the vessels and nerves, the ligaments of the orbital area are released, making it possible to manipulate the tissues. Then the raised tissues are stabilized and the wound is precisely closed so as not to leave visible scars. The duration of the procedure depends on the patient’s expectations and anatomy and ranges from 90 to 120 minutes from the moment of anesthesia administration.

Convalescence and indications after surgery

Due to the low invasiveness of the procedure, associated with the use of an endoscope, the recovery time lasts about 7–10 days. After this time, there is a follow–up visit, during which the sutures are removed. In the case of using the traditional method of raising eyebrows, which is more invasive, this period is extended to 14 days.

After going home, it is crucial to respect post–treatment recommendations regarding the proper care of the operated area. After the procedure, the patient receives a tourniquet that should be worn for the next 24 hours. For 48 hours you should keep your head elevated, and for the next 4 weeks, it is best to put an extra pillow under it to elevate your position while sleeping. The first bath is possible after 24 hours, but do not use cosmetics that may irritate the operated area, and make sure that the water is not too warm. Cold compresses can be used for swelling. Heavy physical exertion should be avoided for 3 weeks. Smoking and drinking alcohol are also not recommended. In addition, prescribed medications should be used.

Effects after endoscopic eyebrow lifting

The first effects are visible immediately after the procedure, just after the bruising and swelling disappear (after about 7–10 days), which allows you to appreciate the effectiveness of the treatment, and the final effect is visible for up to 6 months. The eyebrow lift procedure will make the face, which previously looked tired or dissatisfied, look younger and more cheerful. The effects of eyebrow lifting should last for at least 10 years, and it is largely dependent on the patient’s genetic factors, lifestyle, and previous treatments in this area of the face. Proper adherence to post–treatment recommendations will also have an additional impact.

Possible postoperative complications

An inherent part of any surgical procedure is the risk of complications. One of the most common complications associated with eyebrow lift surgery is sensory impairment (6.2%), which recurs resolves in few months in most cases. After the procedure, there may also be damage to the motor nerve – the frontal branch of the facial nerve (1.5%), which leads to eyebrow lifting disorders. Other complications that may occur after the procedure are repeated eyebrow ptosis (2.4%), asymmetry (3.6%), infection (0.4%), hematoma (1.0%), problems with the scar (1.5%), inability to close the eyelid completely, and alopecia around the incisions. In order to avoid these complications, you should fully follow the post–treatment recommendations and consult your doctor as soon as possible with any doubts and react in case of any concerns.

Endoscopic eyebrow lifting is an effective and safe method to restore the youthful appearance and aesthetics of the upper part of the face. It is an ideal option for people who want to get a natural effect and avoid long convalescence. In our clinic, this procedure is performed by qualified specialists.


How to enlarge the penis – is it possible at all?

Many men are not satisfied with the size of their penis, which becomes a source of complexes. However, there are effective methods of penis enlargement, and what is important – these are not necessarily methods using a scalpel. Let’s get to know the best of them.

Penis enlargement – the most important information

It should start with the fact that penis enlargement is performed for both medical reasons – for example, when a man is struggling with congenital defects, as well as psychological or cosmetic reasons. Numerous studies show that only 55% of men are satisfied with the size of their penis, although, in fact, 90% of them have a penis that reaches 13 cm in erection, which is the norm. From a medical point of view, a penis is considered too small and requires intervention when it measures less than 7.5 cm when erect.

This does not mean, however, that by achieving only such parameters, you can take advantage of penis enlargement, because the second issue worth paying attention to is the fact that not only the length but above all, the circumference of the penis is important.

Penis enlargement methods

There are many methods of enlargement, which does not mean that all of them are suitable for everyone and that they bring the same results. Currently, the most commonly used method of penis enlargement is the injection of hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue. Both allow you to thicken the member by about 3–4 cm and increase its length by about 1–2 cm. In addition, these methods are minimally invasive, painless, and safe, but their course is slightly different, so it is worth getting to know their specifics.

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid

The treatment consists of the injection into the tissues of a specialized preparation based on hyaluronic acid, which is a substance naturally occurring in the human body. It is done under local anesthesia, using a cannula, with only one puncture at the base of the penis, and then the product is distributed along the entire length of the penis by massage. The whole procedure takes about 30 minutes and, depending on the needs, 5 to 15 ml of the preparation in the form of a gel is administered. The effects of the treatment are visible immediately and last up to two years, after which it can be repeated without fear.

Penis enlargement with fat

On the other side, penis enlargement with fat is a slightly more demanding method, because it uses lipotransfer of your own adipose tissue. The procedure begins with the collection of tissue, which is carried out under local anesthesia and with the use of a special cannula working under pressure. Fat is usually taken from the abdomen, hips, or thighs, then it is properly prepared and injected under the skin of the penis. The whole thing takes about 90–120 60-90 minutes and usually 30–60 30-40 ml of fat is served. However, you should be aware that initially, the penis is slightly larger than the final one, because not all, but only 50–60% of the given cells are able to accept – the rest are absorbed. Penis enlargement with your own fat is a bit more demanding, but its effects last longer.

Choosing the right method should be an individual matter, and the final decision depends on both the possibilities and expectations of each man. Contrary to the circulating myths – surgery is not the only effective way to change the size of the member. Injection and administration of hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue are definitely safer methods, and at the same time highly effective and give satisfaction to men who use them.


Convalescence after rhinoplasty surgery – what does it look like, how long does it take?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to change the shape and size of a patient’s nose. Many people decide on it for both aesthetic and functional reasons, which include, among others, breathing problems.

Rhinoplasty – What should you know about it?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most frequently performed plastic surgeries in the world. People opt for it for various reasons, such as dissatisfaction with the shape of their nose, breathing problems, or bulges that make it difficult to wear glasses.

Rhinoplasty can be performed using both open and closed methods, and the choice of these techniques depends on the preferences and experience of the surgeon. Rhinoplasty can be performed using the classic method or the piezo method (about which you can read here:

How is the recovery after rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is not a procedure burdened with any particular pain immediately after the surgery or in the later stages of convalescence. Swelling and bruising around the eyes and cheeks last for about 2–3 weeks on average. After the procedure, setons are left for approx. 1–2 days, septum stabilizers and sutures for approx. 5–7 days and plaster or thermoplastic dressing for approx. 10–14 days. The patient may therefore feel only slight discomfort associated with wearing the dressing.

After removal of the cast or dressing, the patient should avoid physical activity that may increase the risk of trauma to the nose. Return to it is possible after about 4 weeks – we are talking about low–intensity activities here. In case of returning to contact sport – you can do this after a minimum of 3 months.

In the proper course of convalescence, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist and a physiotherapist.

Ultimately, the recovery time after rhinoplasty can be different for everyone – it varies depending on the extent of the operation. It is important to remember that the final effect of the procedure can be assessed after about a year from its performance.


Androgenetic alopecia – FUE hair transplant as one of the more effective treatment methods

Hair transplantation offered to patients as one of the treatments for androgenetic alopecia is gaining ground every day and is becoming an increasingly popular method of treating the problem of hair loss for both men and women. The first hair transplants performed back in the 1960s and 1970s had a high risk of producing very unnatural final results. This was due to the technical and substantive limitations of the clinics or doctors who performed such procedures. Overly large hair units, so-called “plugs”, or grafts consisting of several hair units, were transplanted, later resulting in very unnatural regrowth effects, often called the “doll effect”.

Absolutely no consideration was given to the aesthetic aspect of the procedure and the patient’s expectations. The end results of the procedure were very sparse, highly artificial and far from natural appearance. It was not until the development of hair transplantation technology in the 1980s and 1990s that a completely new and innovative approach was introduced. Hair transplantation procedures began to use the technique of so-called mini-grafting, consisting of, transplanting hair units containing a maximum of 4-5 hair follicles, and the use of small hair units, 1 and 2 follicles to restore the hairline was initiated.

androgenetic alopecia

Treatment of androgenetic alopecia
Hair transplantation

The real revolution in hair transplantation technology was yet to come. In the mid-1990s, with the rise in popularity of the mini-grafting method, research began into a brand new hair transplant technique, followed by the introduction of FUE ( follicular unit extraction) i.e. taking individual hair units directly from the donor area, without the need to cut a strip of skin, as was the case with the FUT- STRIP method.

The first FUE procedures, of course, cannot be considered a full aesthetic success, but they offered hope for revolutionizing the hair transplant method. The real boom and flourishing of the new method came at the beginning of the 21st century. Along with the development of new technologies and medicine, patients’ expectations for hair transplantation procedures also increased. They were looking for surgical treatments that would guarantee a quick return to work, daily life, activity and, of paramount importance, a method that would reduce post-operative complications to a minimum. All of these aforementioned advantages were offered by only one hair transplant method and that was FUE.

In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the sophistication of the hair follicle harvesting method and the equipment used for this purpose. Currently, one of the most precise devices available on the market is the WAW system, which uses a blunt hybrid drill (barb) and rotational-oscillatory motion to harvest hair units. However, even the best medical equipment available in the world is useless if it is not operated in the hands of a capable androgenetic alopecia treatment specialist who, in addition to high manual skills, also has extensive knowledge of performing hair transplantation procedures and has undergone thorough training in FUE HYBRID hair transplantation.

The standard of hair transplant treatment in the world is to take care of the most natural aesthetic effect of the patient, to fully understand the patient’s expectations, but also to orient the patient to the real achievable results for different degrees of alopecia disease.


Rhinoplasty – removal of a defect or deformity of the nose

The nose is a very important part of the body, through it we can breathe and smell. It also has a significant impact on the appearance of the face, and for this reason it often becomes a source of complexes: it can be too big, too long or hunched. The solution to these problems is rhinoplasty, or nose surgery. What does it look like step by step and for whom is it recommended?

Nose surgery – rhinoplasty – is it worth it?

Currently, rhinoplasty is one of the most commonly performed operations in the field of plastic surgery. It is estimated that it is performed up to several thousand times a year in Poland. Rhinoplasty surgery is a suitable solution for people who do not like the appearance of this part of their body, which may be influenced by a congenital defect or injury. It is also required for problems with free breathing due to nasal obstruction (in which case a septal straightening procedure combined with correction is performed). It is worth opting for rhinoplasty, if only for the sake of psychological comfort. Sometimes it happens that complexes related to the appearance of the nose negatively affect the mood, lead to lower self-esteem and even withdrawal from social life.

A crooked nasal septum, a hump and bumps on the ridge or a disproportionately large nose are not all indications for surgery. It is also performed on people with a nose that is too long or wide, post-splitting deformity and other congenital defects, as well as a nose tip that is too large or drooping.

How does rhinoplasty surgery proceed?

The first, very important stage of rhinoplasty is a consultation, during which a detailed interview with the patient is conducted. The person who has decided to undergo surgery should inform the doctor about any health problems, for example, diabetes. The surgeon will provide lists of necessary laboratory tests and possible consultations. It is important to be vaccinated against hepatitis B, as well as to discontinue medications that reduce blood clotting a few days before the planned surgery.

Whichever way the surgery is performed, it is most often done under general anesthesia. There are two methods of performing it: closed and open. In the closed method, the cut is carried out in the nasal passages, so it is not visible to the outside. It is also performed in the open method, in which an additional cut is made on the nasal pillar, where a fine scar is left. During the operation, it is necessary to detach the skin from the cartilage and bone structure. Then the surgeon corrects the shape of the nose, and then the skin is put back on. If the patient has decided to have a complete nose correction, they stay in the clinic for one day.

After the operation, there is swelling, which lasts for several days. The patient may also experience discomfort, associated with the placement of setons in the nasal passages, which are removed on the second day after the procedure. There is usually no need for pain medication, and recovery takes up to 10 days. The surgery itself usually takes 90 to 120 minutes, and the final results can be assessed after 12 months, after the nose has completely recovered.

Is rhinoplasty safe?

Only healthy individuals can undergo rhinoplasty surgery. Before it is performed, the patient is required to undergo detailed tests: urine, blood count, blood group determination, clotting index, electrolytes, glucose levels, as well as ECG. If the results turn out to be abnormal, the operation will not be carried out. This means that you should not fear for your safety when opting for rhinoplasty. It should be noted that the operation is performed only when the nose has reached its mature shape. Most often this occurs after the age of 18. It is up to the doctor to decide whether to perform rhinoplasty in younger patients, for example, due to medical indications or the result of injury.

Rhinoplasty – contraindications.

One of the contraindications for rhinoplasty is pregnancy. It is also not performed in patients with vascular blemishes, purulent infections of the skin and mucous membranes, and coagulation disorders. In addition, rhinoplasty is not considered for people with unregulated diabetes, heart disease or hypertension.


Deep Plane Face Lifting and Neck Lift

We often associate lifting procedures with artificially stretched facial skin. However, knowledge of human anatomy and the possibilities of aesthetic medicine continue to reach a higher level. Deep Plane Lifting is a new facial rejuvenation technique that has completely revolutionized the traditional approach to facial plastic surgery. It allows you to turn back the clock by decades, producing a natural-looking rejuvenation effect.

It has been said that 40 is the new 30. We are living longer and longer, and we are active longer. We would like our appearance to reflect our strength, vitality and appetite for life, sometimes directly proportional to our metric. Even the best rejuvenating care and non-invasive treatments are not able to give such results as the skilled hand of a plastic surgeon. Especially if we expect quick changes. The decision to have a facelift is never easy. After all, it is a major operation. However, if you want to look fresh and young, it is worth going for a consultation to see if you qualify for a Deep Plane Lifting procedure.

What is Deep Plane Face Lifting and what makes it different from a traditional facelift?

A young face is shaped like a V, the so-called inverted triangle. Unfortunately, from the age of 25, the skin begins to lose collagen, which is its natural scaffolding – in addition, the soft tissues of the face begin to droop, the cheeks and zygomatic area lose volume, “hamster cheeks” appear, the chin becomes less pronounced and, what adds most to our years, a “hanging” loose neck. There is an inversion of proportions: now the face is inscribed in a triangle with a wide base and apex on top, or it becomes square.

The goal of the Deep Plane Face and Neck Lift is to lift the facial tissues and improve the appearance of the neck.  In a traditional facelift, facial tissues are lifted by tightening the SMAS flap – a fascial and muscular structure. However, the aging process affects all tissues, including those that lie deeper – the fatty tissue and the superficial fascia and underlying muscles.

The deep facelift technique has recently become such a desirable surgical method because it lifts both the skin, including the fascial-muscular layer (SMAS), and also repositions the deep fat pads of the cheeks and the areas of the face that lie in the central part of the face, which was limited with traditional facelift methods.  During the procedure, the skin is lifted only in a limited area. This has numerous advantages, including that the facial surface is naturally rejuvenated and smooth, rather than tightened, as with a classic facelift. It also helps maintain blood flow to the face, which allows for faster healing, and shorter recovery. Deep face lift also gives the face a lift without tension – this gives a more stable effect of the surgery over time, and restores volume in the zygomatic and infraorbital areas. Thus, there is no need for additional facial contouring with fat or filler.

It’s also worth noting that a traditional facelift tightens the face horizontally or toward the ears and can make it look stretched and the cheeks flattened. The Deep Face Lift technique allows for a real lifting of facial structures, rebuilding the shape of the cheeks and lifting the drooping corners of the mouth. The face regains the shape of a youthful triangle, as if the forces of gravity had not previously acted on it. The effect of the procedure – depending on our lifestyle – lasts 10-15 years.

What does the recovery look like?

With today’s advanced, minimally invasive surgical techniques, patients can expect to return to their daily routine after about 14 days. Most patients experience pain the night after surgery and the next day. After two days, the vast majority can already function without painkillers. Cold compresses can be applied to reduce swelling, and rest is also indicated. Recovery is also accelerated by hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as it increases oxygenation of facial tissues and stimulates the growth of new blood vessels, which in turn contributes to faster recovery. The relatively short healing time means that a facelift can also be considered by those with busier schedules.

Is it time for a facelift

Aging is a highly individual matter. There is no ideal age or time for a facelift; it all depends on how the patient feels about themself, their expectations for improving their appearance and how much time they can devote to recovery. Typically, patients between the ages of 40 and 70 opt for a facelift. Often, however, patients as young as 30 come in for the operation, not so much to “rejuvenate” and restore a youthful appearance before time makes its mark on their faces, but to improve the appearance of the neck, to restore its correct contours.


FUE method – what is it and is it possible to recover lost hair?

Hair loss is a problem affecting both men and women. There are situations when the use of specialized cosmetics or dietary supplements does not bring the expected results, this happens, for example, with androgenetic alopecia. A chance to replace lost hair, and regain the former appearance and self-confidence, is provided by plastic surgery. Hair transplantation using the FUE method is considered the most effective solution in this field.

What is the FUE method?

The FUE method is a method of hair transplantation that takes place without the use of a scalpel and sutures, resulting in no visible scars remaining on the skin. The procedure involves taking follicular units, or a cluster of 1 – 5 hair follicles, from the occipital region of the head. This is done using a special device, the diameter of which is less than one millimeter. This guarantees the highest possible quality of the transplant and satisfaction with the results. It may happen that follicular units are taken from other places, for example, the chin. Importantly, there are no unsightly traces left on the skin after taking the hair, only small scabs appear on the skin, which fall off after a few days. Up to about 6,000 hairs (2,500 follicular units) can be transplanted using the FUE method at one time. The main indications for the procedure include androgenetic, post-traumatic and post-inflammatory alopecia in remission, but it can also be performed to correct eyebrows, pubic hair or facial hair.

Hair transplantation in women

What does a FUE hair transplant look like?

On average, a hair transplant using the FUE method takes from 6 up to 12 hours. This is affected by several factors, including the condition of the scalp and the number of follicular units to be transplanted. The procedure is not painful, as it is performed under local anesthesia. The hairs in the area from where they will be taken are shortened to a length of about 1 mm. They are then carefully removed, inspected for damage and divided, taking into account the number of follicles per unit. This is the first stage of the procedure, in which the patient lies on their stomach and when they feel discomfort they can take a short break, such as a walk.

The second stage of the procedure takes place in a semi-sitting position, and begins by anesthetizing the area where the hair will be transplanted. Small, microscopic incisions are made in the scalp, and in the third stage of hair transplantation, which takes place after a long break, the follicular units harvested earlier are inserted. Different sized implants, which resemble needles in shape, are used for this. After the implantation is finished, the donor area of the head is protected with a sterile dressing, the recipient area must be sprayed with a special solution every 15 minutes by the patient.

FUE method – is it effective?

People suffering from excessive hair loss often have doubts about whether a transplant using the FUE method will achieve the desired results. The procedure is safe, as it is performed by specialists, in the operating theater using sterilized instruments. It is also very effective. For several weeks after the transplant, the hair in the recipient area of the head will grow and then fall out. Approximately 4 months after the procedure, an initial, uneven growth of new hair is noticeable, with final regrowth after 9 months. Due to the location where the follicular units are taken, the hair is not sensitive to androgens, so it remains in its new location for the rest of its life.

Hair transplantation in men

The FUE method has helped revolutionize hair transplantation. It takes a week to fully recover from the procedure, and although proper scalp care and caution are necessary during this time, the patient can return to daily activities the very next day after the transplant. The FUE method is continually improving, and this also applies to the equipment used during the procedures. It has made it possible to regain lost hair and provide patients with a very natural result.


Piezo method – ultrasonic nose job

The use of ultrasound technology gives the surgeon the precision to sculpt the nasal bones, changing their shape and thickness as needed, and even cutting through them without causing any damage to the surrounding soft tissue of the nose. For this reason, piezo rhinoplasty is considered a true revolution in plastic surgery.

What is Piezo?

Piezo is an innovative surgical method that uses ultrasound to correct the nose. Initially, piezo technology was used in dentistry. However, its potential and translatability to the needs of rhinoplasty was soon recognized.

The operation is performed using a device that generates ultrasound vibrations powering small blades, allowing them to act on selected bony tissues without disturbing soft structures. This method makes it possible to achieve unprecedented precision, minimize the risk of complications and shorten the healing time. Using piezo rhinoplasty, it is possible to correct such defects as a hump on the nasal crest, curvature of the bone pyramid, crooked septum and more.

What to expect from an ultrasound nasal correction procedure.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and takes about 90-120 minutes. A small incision is made to the nose, through which the surgeon, using a piezo device, appropriately alters the shape of the nasal bone. Powered by ultrasound, precise cutting tips ensure perfect results of the operation, while reducing the incidence of bleeding and minimizing postoperative bruising and swelling.

How to prepare for the Piezo procedure.

This procedure does not require special preparation. However, it is advisable to definitely limit or stop smoking cigarettes for a period of 2 weeks before the procedure. In addition, you should avoid any preparations that affect blood clotting during this time. If necessary, any further recommendations will be presented to the patient during the initial consultation.

What to do after the Piezo procedure?

Swelling, bruising and pain after piezo nose correction are significantly less than with other rhinoplasty methods, resulting in a shorter recovery time and a faster return to normal function.

What are the contraindications to the procedure?

Piezo nose correction – as a rule – has no specific contraindications highlighted that would prevent it from being performed. The only contraindication may be the anatomy of the nose, which in the opinion of the specialist does not allow or does not require surgery by this method.

