Comprehensive Perioperative Care


We will provide you with the best healthcare

In our clinic, we offer not only professional procedures, but also professional postoperative healthcare. We call this comprehensive perioperative care. Just like all the leading medical clinics of the world we do not only perform surgeries, but also treat the wounds which are the direct consequence of the procedures. Using specially selected therapies, we support reparative processes of healing, so that the scars leave the least visible traces and the patient can quickly resume their normal lifestyle.

Scars are always a side-effect of surgical procedures. Certainly aesthetic surgery has developed such techniques which make them least visible and usually, after a correctly conducted procedure and correct healing, they are not problematic for the patients. During the healing process, tissues can be additionally stimulated so that the scars are even more discreet. Scientific literature describes this intervention as scar management. At the same time, pain management is also applied.

There is no harmonized procedure in this area, as there are no two identical patients. However, the most recommended procedures during recovery are: transverse friction massage, scar mobilization, ultrasound, LLT, pressotherapy, Kinesio Taping. Their effectiveness has been confirmed by follow-up and scientific studies. Knowledge of these techniques us growing very dynamically worldwide.

In our clinic, we apply physiotherapy in accordance with the world’s best postoperative recovery standards. What is more, based on many years of experience, we have enriched our scar management programme with our own solutions. For each type of procedure, we have developed a package of treatments which help our patients faster eliminate visible signs of surgical intervention making it impossible to resume everyday life, such as:  bruising (petechiae), oedema, pain or reduced mobility. In order to increase patients’ comfort during recovery, we also try to introduce as early as possible PNF based treatment, as well as TENS and interference current, which have analgesic effects.

After a major surgical procedure in our clinic, we provide each patient with a basic programme of complementary therapy, consisting of 3-4 sessions. The patient may also opt for an extended option which includes 10-15 treatments which facilitate fast recovery and return to everyday activities.