Buttock Augmentation Without Implants?

Many people feel dissatisfied with the appearance of their bodies, opting for special diets and regular workouts in hopes of adding volume to desired areas. Among these areas are the buttocks. Unfortunately, we do not always have control over our genetics and body structure, so a popular solution is buttock augmentation with implants. However, many people are looking for less invasive procedures, and one of them is fat grafting, which is an effective and safe alternative.

Shaping the buttocks with one’s own fat – a modern approach to buttock augmentation

Fat grafting, also known as lipotransfer, is an innovative technique in plastic surgery that involves shaping and enlarging a selected area of the body using the patient’s autologous fat. This method is primarily known as one of the ways to augment the breasts, but it is increasingly being used for buttock augmentation as well. Fat is an excellent, natural, and safe filler, and the grafting process does not carry a high risk of complications. Lipotransfer effectively reduces signs of sagging in the buttocks, adding shape and proportion to the silhouette.

Buttock augmentation with fat – What does the procedure look like?

Before proceeding with the procedure, a consultation is conducted to discuss the patient’s expectations and present the goals of the planned buttock augmentation with fat tissue. This meeting enables qualifications to be made and appropriate recommendations to be presented to the patient.

Buttock augmentation with fat is an aesthetic procedure in which liposuction techniques are used to remove excess fat tissue from specific parts of the body. After purification and preparation, the fat is then transplanted into the buttocks to give them greater volume and shape them accordingly. The procedure consists of several stages.


In the first stage, the doctor performs liposuction by extracting fat tissue from areas where it is in excess. The most common areas for fat removal include the abdomen, waist, back, or thighs. Various liposuction techniques are used, such as classical liposuction, ultrasonic, laser, and others. The extracted fat tissue undergoes a purification process to separate fat cells from other substances. Subsequently, the fat is adequately prepared for transplantation.

Fat Transplantation to the Buttocks

Using special, thin needles, the doctor injects purified fat into various layers of buttock tissues. They aim for even distribution to achieve a natural and proportional appearance. After completing the fat transplantation, the doctor assesses the symmetry and proportions of the buttocks, securing small incisions made on the skin. The patient is then required to wear special clothing for several weeks. Post-procedure, the patient receives information regarding care and the course of the recovery process.

Advantages of using this buttock augmentation method

Buttock augmentation using fat is a way to achieve an attractive silhouette by enhancing the buttocks and improving body proportions. This method is effective and comes with numerous advantages.

Natural Appearance

Compared to augmentation with implants, fat transfer allows for a more natural look of the buttocks. Since the patient’s own fat is used and precisely transplanted into specific areas, satisfying and natural results are achieved.

Lasting Effects

Fat transplantation offers lasting effects because the transplanted fat cells become an integral part of the buttock tissues. In the initial healing phase, a portion of the fat tissue (typically around 20-30%) gets absorbed. In contrast to implants, which may require replacement over time, the integrated fat tissue remains in the body permanently.

No Risk of Rejection

As fat transplantation utilizes the patient’s own tissues, there is no risk of rejection or allergic reactions. It is a safe procedure that minimizes potential complications.

Fat transplantation is an innovative method that provides a natural appearance and lasting results. Lipotransfer is becoming increasingly popular, giving patients the opportunity to enhance the appearance of their buttocks using their own tissues. If you are considering buttock augmentation, consider fat transplantation as an alternative to implants – you’ll gain aesthetic benefits with minimal risk.

How does anesthesia affect the body?

General anesthesia (commonly referred to as anesthesia) is an extremely important element of modern medicine. It is a process that allows for the safe and painless conduct of surgical procedures, including those in the field of plastic surgery. This is a topic that still raises many unjustified concerns among patients. In our article, we have gathered the most important information about the course of anesthesia and how it affects our body.

Anesthesia – Basic Information

Anesthesia, is a process of complete and reversible loss of consciousness achieved through the administration of anesthetic drugs. Anesthesia induces sleep, amnesia, inhibition of spinal reflexes, and muscle relaxation, allowing surgical procedures to be conducted painlessly. There are several types of general anesthesia that can be used depending on the type of surgery and the patient’s condition. Among the most commonly used types of general anesthesia, we distinguish:

  • inhalation anesthesia: involves the use of inhalation anesthetics to induce and maintain a state of anesthesia. The induction process is carried out by delivering a gas, usually sevoflurane, which does not irritate the respiratory tract. To maintain anesthesia, an inhalation anesthetic is used in a mixture of oxygen and air.
  • intravenous anesthesia: relies on administering drugs intravenously for both induction and maintenance of anesthesia. Various intravenous drugs are used to induce the patient into anesthesia, with propofol being commonly used for maintenance. Additionally, depending on the needs, sedative, analgesic, and muscle relaxant drugs may be used.
  • combined anesthesia: this is the most commonly used method of anesthesia. It involves the use of both inhalation and intravenous drugs. This combination allows for a reduction in drug doses, resulting in decreased toxicity and minimizing the risk of adverse effects.

How does general anesthesia proceed?

General anesthesia is a process that consists of several main stages. Before these occur, it is necessary for the anesthesiologist to assess and qualify the patient for this type of anesthesia, as well as ensure proper preparation and monitoring. The anesthesiologist assesses the patient’s health, gathers medical history, and information about any allergies. It is also important to determine the time elapsed since the last meal before the procedure to avoid the risk of aspiration during anesthesia. Throughout the process, the patient remains under monitoring with electrodes for EKG, a pulse oximeter, and a blood pressure cuff. Before starting the anesthesia, the patient is given 100% oxygen through a mask for a few minutes, providing an additional oxygen reserve in case of difficulties during intubation.

Induction of Anesthesia

The anesthesiologist, usually through intravenous cannula or inhalation, administers anesthetic drugs to the patient. These drugs act on the central nervous system, rapidly inducing a state of unconsciousness and insensitivity to pain. In some cases, when the surgery requires control of the airway, the doctor may perform intubation. This involves inserting an endotracheal tube through the patient’s throat into the trachea, allowing mechanical assistance with breathing during anesthesia.

Maintenance of Anesthesia

During the maintenance phase of anesthesia, the patient is continually monitored for basic life parameters such as blood pressure, pulse, blood oxygen level, heart activity, and carbon dioxide level. Additionally, the anesthesiologist consistently administers the appropriate anesthetic drugs to keep the patient in a state of anesthesia. They monitor the depth of the patient’s anesthesia and adjust the dosage to maintain the appropriate level of anesthesia. Often, electroencephalogram (EEG) monitoring or depth of anesthesia monitors are used to assess the depth of the patient’s anesthesia. During anesthesia, the patient is usually connected to a respirator, providing mechanical assistance with breathing. Therefore, the doctor also controls and regulates ventilation parameters to maintain the correct levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the patient’s blood.

Emergence from Anesthesia

During the final stage of the operation, the administration of intravenous anesthetics is gradually reduced, and the concentration of anesthetic gases is lowered until they are completely discontinued. Simultaneously, the supply of fresh gases is increased, and the patient is given controlled breathing with 100% oxygen. Once the patient begins to breathe independently, excess secretions from the oral and throat cavity are removed, and the endotracheal tube is taken out. The patient is then transported to the recovery room for monitoring and to rule out any potential complications.

In our clinics, patients are under the care of an anesthesiologist throughout the entire process, including overnight. This allows for a swift response in case of any postoperative complications.

General anesthesia and its impact on the human body

We already know that general anesthesia is a medical procedure in which the patient is completely deprived of consciousness and pain sensation. Modern methods and agents used in general anesthesia are advanced and safe enough that serious complications rarely occur. In the case of any potential complications, the benefits of being able to perform surgery under anesthesia outweigh the potential risks associated with it.

More commonly, we talk about side effects, which may include nausea, vomiting, sore throat, drowsiness, short-term memory disturbances, and abnormalities in the respiratory or circulatory system. These side effects can vary depending on the patient and the extent of the procedure. Furthermore, some individuals may experience the side effects of anesthesia for several hours or days after the surgery, such as weakness, dizziness, or concentration problems. However, most patients return to full functionality in a relatively short time.

Throughout the entire anesthesia process, the patient is under constant care of an anesthesiologist and a nurse anesthetist who monitor all vital signs. Anesthesia has a certain impact on the human body, but it is a fully controlled process to avoid any permanent harm to the patient’s health. Current anesthesia methods are advanced enough not to cause any distant, negative effects, although they cannot be completely ruled out. However, in cases of increased risk – for example, due to the patient’s health condition – the specialist always makes the decision that is the safest choice.

General anesthesia is an extremely important medical procedure that allows for the safe and painless performance of complex surgical procedures. Modern methods and agents used in general anesthesia are highly advanced, resulting in very rare complications, with the benefits outweighing potential harm. Patients can rest assured that they are in good hands, and the medical team will do everything to ensure their safety and comfort during the surgery.

Breast implants: anatomical or round? Which implant is the best choice?

When deciding on breast augmentation surgery, each patient must make several important decisions. The primary decision is the choice of implant type and size, which is determined during pre-surgery consultations using various sizers. The knowledge and experience of the surgeon are crucial in this process, as they need to understand the patient’s expectations and illustrate how the breasts will look after the procedure. So, which implant is the best choice – anatomical or round?

Round or anatomical implants – the difference in shape

Breast implants consist of a silicone shell filled with either silicone gel (silicone implants) or a saline solution (saline implants). Round implants provide the effect of lifted and fuller breasts, resembling a larger or smaller hemisphere, depending on the height of the projection profile, which can be standard, moderate, high, or ultra-high. Implants with high and ultra-high projection are designed for women with a narrow chest and those seeking a larger breast profile.

Anatomical implants have a teardrop shape, resembling the structure of the breast gland. They give the breasts a natural appearance and allow for maintaining a subtle downward slope. Anatomical implants are suitable for women who want to enhance their breasts discreetly, and they are also recommended for patients whose breasts have lost fullness and firmness due to pregnancy or other circumstances.

There are situations where using a round implant can achieve similar results to an anatomical implant. This is possible when the patient has good tissue coverage, well-shaped breasts, and the selected implants for the procedure are not too large. For slender women with very small breasts, choosing an anatomical implant is advisable.

Choice of implants and the achieved effects

During consultations, the patient should receive information about the effects that can be achieved with different implants. This allows for decision-making and alleviates any doubts regarding the appropriateness of undergoing the procedure. Round implants create the impression of full breasts by increasing their volume both in the lower and upper parts. They are symmetrical, so they do not alter the appearance of the breasts when shifted. Placing them submuscularly or partially submuscularly allows for a more natural look, especially in younger patients.

Anatomic implants, also known as teardrop implants, primarily enhance the lower part of the breasts.

When selecting the right breast implants, it is essential to consider both the patient’s preferences and several other equally important factors, such as her body structure and the size of natural breasts. Taking these into account enables making a well-informed decision and achieving the desired effect for the patient. Both the use of round and anatomical implants allows for achieving a shapely, full bust, provided that the implant is chosen appropriately for the patient’s anatomy.

Which implants allow for breast correction?

Anatomic implants are used for correcting various developmental breast disorders such as pseudoptosis, tuberous breast, or poorly developed lower pole. They are also used for breast reconstruction. In the correction of asymmetrical breasts, both round and anatomical implants can be used, although the latter are more commonly chosen. This is due to their greater size variability.

Anatomical implants and the risk of rotation

Anatomical implants are not symmetrical, and due to their shape, they pose a risk of rotation, although it is relatively small. When this complication occurs, the breasts change their appearance and lose proportionality, necessitating another surgical procedure. Multicenter studies have shown that the risk of rotation for anatomical implants is less than 2.5%. Key in preventing such complications is thorough preoperative planning and the selection of the appropriate surgical technique. Recurrent rotation of breast implants is an indication for replacing anatomical implants with round ones.

How to make a decision about breast implant selection?

When making decisions about breast implant selection, it is essential to discuss the patient’s expectations and the achievable outcomes of the surgery. This significantly facilitates the choice of appropriate implants that will enhance the appearance of the breasts. Factors such as the woman’s natural breast size, body type, implant placement, incision location, and any previous breast surgeries (if applicable) should also be considered. Taking into account all these important factors allows for the effective and safe performance of breast augmentation surgery. It is crucial to note that the shape and size of the chosen implant alone do not guarantee satisfactory results. The experience and knowledge of the plastic surgeon also play a key role.

Check out what plastic surgeon Dr. Michał Charytonowicz thinks about the choice of breast augmentation method and the selection of appropriate implants. Below is a video and a blog post at the following link.

What is 360-Degree Abdominoplasty? We Explain!

Plastic surgery is a field of medicine that constantly evolves, striving for the best possible results in improving the appearance of patients. Of course, nothing can replace a healthy lifestyle, a proper diet, and regular physical activity. However, there are instances when, despite a patient’s greatest efforts, achieving satisfying results may not be entirely possible through these means. Consider an individual who, in pursuit of health improvement through discipline, diet, and exercise, quickly loses a significant amount of weight. Nevertheless, excess skin remains in areas such as the abdomen, hips, lower back, buttocks, or thighs, preventing full enjoyment of the results. In such moments, plastic surgery procedures can be helpful – in this case, 360-degree abdominoplasty, offering a comprehensive approach that revolutionizes aesthetic standards and gives patients the chance for a complete transformation of their silhouette.

360-Degree Abdominoplasty – What is it?

360-Degree Abdominoplasty, also known as lower body lift and circumferential abdominoplasty, is an effective method for removing excess skin and unwanted fat tissue from selected areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, lower back, buttocks, and thighs. It is a comprehensive surgical procedure, often combined with liposuction, allowing for the permanent elimination of excess fat and skin folds, thereby reshaping the silhouette – including slimming the abdomen and lifting the buttocks.

Lower Body Lift – Who is this Procedure Dedicated to?

The first and most common indication for performing the 360-Degree Abdominoplasty plastic surgery procedure is significant and rapid weight loss. Individuals who have experienced substantial weight loss often struggle with remnants in the form of excess loose skin in certain areas such as the abdomen, hips, lower back, buttocks, and thighs. In such cases, the lower body lift can be an effective solution, helping to remove excess skin and unwanted fat tissue, and restoring harmony to the lost silhouette.

Another aspect is the aging process of the skin, which leads to a loss of elasticity and firmness. 360-Degree Abdominoplasty is therefore applicable to individuals who want to effectively combat the effects of aging, improving their silhouette and restoring a youthful appearance.

The lower body lift is also an option for women after pregnancy when they deal with excess skin and loss of firmness. This procedure can be an effective tool in improving the shape of the body after the pregnancy period.


How does the procedure and recovery look like?

The procedure requires a qualification process, which takes place during an initial consultation with a specialist. During this meeting, the patient’s needs and expectations are analyzed, and available surgical options are presented. The areas of the body that will undergo surgical intervention are determined, and any additional procedures, such as liposuction for body contouring, are planned.

The surgery itself is performed under general anesthesia and typically lasts from 3 to 4 hours, depending on the extent of the area undergoing surgical intervention. Depending on the needs and agreements, the procedure involves an incision around the lower part of the torso, strategically placed to create a scar that is as inconspicuous as possible and easy to hide under clothing. As a result, the scar is located in the lower abdomen, around the navel, around the hip bones, and above the buttocks. After removing excess skin and subcutaneous tissue, the surgeon may lift the skin of the buttocks and hips, giving the silhouette new proportions. If necessary, a correction of the separation of the abdominal muscles can also be performed. The surgery may also include the inner thighs and reconstruction of the pubic mound.

In the first days after the operation, swelling, bruising, and redness may occur, which should subside within 1 to 3 weeks. The removal of drains typically takes place depending on the patient’s health condition, most often 3 to 4 days after the procedure. Wearing special compression garments aids the healing process.

Depending on the patient’s health, they can take their first steps as soon as 4 hours after the procedure. Return to work can occur within 2-3 weeks, depending on the type of work, while daily activities should be limited for 4 to 6 weeks. However, more intense exercises should be initiated after 6 to 8 weeks. The length of the recovery process can vary depending on factors such as age, health condition, and the extent of the procedure. Regular follow-up visits and adherence to the doctor’s recommendations are crucial for achieving optimal results and minimizing the risk of complications.

What are the effects of the procedure?

360-Degree Abdominoplasty represents a comprehensive approach to shaping the silhouette. This procedure allows patients to achieve a significant improvement in appearance, addressing specific areas of the body. The initial effects are visible immediately after the procedure, while the final results typically become apparent within 6 to 12 months. It is worth exercising patience, as the achieved results are long-lasting, providing not only aesthetic improvement but also resolving issues such as skin fold-related irritations. The procedure also influences the patient’s well-being, boosting confidence and enhancing the overall quality of life.

360-Degree Abdominoplasty becomes undeniable support for individuals who, despite their greatest efforts, struggle with persistent fat and excess skin in critical areas of the body. While a healthy lifestyle, diet, and physical activity remain the foundation for well-being, the lower body lift serves as additional support for those seeking more. It is not only a revolution in plastic surgery but also in the lives of patients, opening up new possibilities and a higher quality of life.