Breast plastic

Women pay a lot of attention to their breasts and want them to stay firm and well-groomed for as long as possible. Breasts are often a source of insecurities. Their appearance may change not only as a result of passing time, but also due to illness. Plastic surgery comes in handy in such situations. Our clinic specializes, among others, in performing procedures in this area. Patient safety is guaranteed by qualified medical staff, modern equipment, as well as innovative technological solutions. The surgeries we perform include, among other things, breast augmentation, breast lifting and reduction, preventive mastectomy and reconstructions.

Below is the list of procedures offered by our clinic:
- Breast augmentation with implants – this is the most frequently performed surgery in the field of breast plastic surgeries, aimed not only at augmentation, but also at appropriate breast remodelling. Silicone implants are mainly used for this purpose. Their size is selected individually during consultations, taking into account patient’s preferences and anatomical conditions. The surgery is performed under general anaesthesia and the implants are placed under the pectoral muscle or pectoral gland. Two weeks after the surgery the patient can start plastic scar management programme (PSM). The final outcome is visible 3 months after the surgery.
- Breast augmentation with adipose tissue – in other words lipofilling, is a procedure to fill the breasts with patient’s own (autologous) adipose tissue. It is in particular recommended for patients who want to slightly remodel and enlarge their breasts. An important advantage of lipofilling is that it sculptures selected parts of the body: thighs, hips or abdomen. The harvested fatty tissue is properly prepared and then implanted into the breasts. Usually, 40-60% of the harvested fat is permanently retained. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthesia. After two weeks stitches are removed from the liposuction incisions, and after 3-4 weeks it is possible to resume physical activity.
- Breast lifting – or mastopexy involves removing excess skin from the breast area and modelling the shape of the breast gland. It also enables the correction of nipple-areolar complex, as well as simultaneous breast enlargement with the use of implants. This procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. As in the case of lipofilling, the patient is followed-up at the clinic for 24 hours. The first follow-up appointment takes place after a week, and the patient has to wear a post-operative bra for two months to help shape the breasts. The final results are usually visible 3-6 months after the procedure.
- Breast reduction – breast reduction can be done for health and aesthetic reasons. It consists in removing excess fat and glandular tissue from the breasts, modelling them and correct positioning of the nipple-areolar complex. The operation is carried out under general anaesthesia and the patient remains at the clinic for 1-2 days. A postoperative bra should be worn around the clock for 4-8 weeks. The results are assessed after 3-6 months, scars reach their final appearance one year after the operation.
- Gynecomastia surgery – involves the excision of an excessively developed male mammary gland and/or suction of fat accumulated in the breast area. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia and the patient if followed-up at the clinic until the next day. The patient must wear a post-operative vest.
- Breast reconstruction – can be performed simultaneously (in our clinic in case of prophylactic mastectomy) or as a secondary procedure, as the last stage after completing oncological treatment. Breasts can be reconstructed using implants or autologous tissues. Breast reconstruction method depends on the patient’s preferences and the type of oncological treatment.
- Prophylactic mastectomy – the procedure is intended for patients belonging to high and very high-risk group of breast cancer. Usually they are patients with a confirmed genetic mutation of BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene and a positive family history for breast cancer. Mastectomy is performed under general anaesthesia. The patient is followed-up at the clinic for 1-2 days and recovery period is about 1-2 months depending on the type of treatment.