Body plastic

Plastic surgery is the answer to the needs of people who, despite following a diet and exercising do not feel good in their body. Operations of this type are carried out by qualified professionals who ensure safety and satisfactory results. Surgical procedures will help you effectively get rid of insecurities which may negatively affect the your mood and often result in reduced self-esteem. It is worth handing yourself over to specialists who will use their knowledge and experience to help you.

Our clinic offers the following body plastic surgery procedures:
- Tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) – recommended for people who are not satisfied with how their abdomen looks and despite taking various less invasive measures are not able to obtain satisfactory results. The problem of flaccid, saggy abdominal skin concerns in particular women after pregnancy or people who lost a lot of weight. Tummy tuck is carried out under general anaesthesia. The scar is covered by underwear. During the surgery it is also possible to suture stretch marks of the abdominal rectus muscles, which guarantees the effect of a flat abdomen and helps regain a nice looking waist. After the surgery, the patient must stay at the clinic for about 2-3 days depending on the postoperative conditon. It is necessary to wear a hernia truss for 4-8 weeks. The patient can resume physical activity after 2 months.
- Thigh lift or “thighplasty” – suitable for patients whose thighs are not firm. This can be caused by both age and high weight loss. Sometimes this procedure is also necessary after liposuction, if the skin has not shrunk sufficiently. Thigh lift was designed to remove excess skin and consequently remodel the area. Patients have to wear compression garment for 3-4 weeks after the surgery.
- Shoulder plastic surgery – a procedure that effectively improves the appearance of the skin. Shoulders may lose their firmness with age or as a result of weight loss. Shoulder plastic surgery can also be combined with liposuction, if the patient has a problem with accumulated fat in this area. Patients have to wear compression garments for 3-4 weeks after the surgery.
- Liposuction – a surgical method that allows for uniform removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body (thighs, abdomen, “love handles” or chin). This method allows for permanent removal of resistant fat. After the operation, patients have to wear special compression garment. A one day stay at the hospital is necessary. The results the operation are assessed after 3-6 months. We use ultrasound (Vaser Lipo) or laser (LipoLife) during the procedure. Suctioned fatty tissue can be transplanted to another area (face, breasts, buttocks).
- Fat grafting, also known as a lipotransfer, involves suctioning of fatty tissue from a selected area of the body and transferring it to another location. Properly performed treatment results in a slimmer silhouette and better appearance of the skin.
- Calf implants – a cosmetic surgery to make your calves look more pronounced. Calf implants used in the procedure are made of safe silicone, have a smooth surface and an elongated shape. The implants are available in various sizes and the right size is selected during consultations with the doctor.
- Hand lift – allows to restore skin firmness. Looking at your hands, you can easily notice the passing time. In order to increase the firmness of this skin area, the patient’s adipose tissue is harvested and then implanted on the dorsal hand surface.